How can we help?
Are you thinking about embarking on a new building, renovation, alternatively buying or selling a property. Here are just some of the answers to questions that may help you on your journey. If you want to know more please contact us today.

How much will my architectural services cost?
Obviously the design cost will be determined by the scope of works. Critical analysis of the brief process, effective design layout and quality detailing can significantly reduce the build cost.
Quality design enables reduced daily running costs and for the long-term a better return on your investment. The short answer is then: the services offered by Boxclever is not a cost but a saving.
When should I call in the architect?
BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING. Boxclever can assist you before you purchase a property with a pre-purchase review. Considering renovation: the same applies. Don’t pay for a building site or someone else’s poor renovation that doesn’t meet your needs or interact with the environment.
What’s is the design process?
Depending on the scale of the proposed development a Design Report may be required to diagnose key issues and document problem areas. That report would form part of the most important reference document being a Design Brief. This evolving document becomes a check list throughout the design process.
Once the existing building and /or site is documented against the important environmental and site characteristics a number of three dimensional design concepts are developed. The 3D design documents are developed in consultation with you whilst referencing the evolving brief and the all important site characteristics. At this stage a nominated builder or quantity surveyor is engaged (depending on the size of the project) to review the design cost against the nominated budget. Only when we have reached an approved design that meets the project budget can we move forward to the next stage.
What does good design really mean?
The answer to this is infinite and complex. At Boxclever we work to these basic design principles: your fundamental needs are tailored to the unique features of your physical environment to inform the building's composition. Working from these principles ensures every design outcome is bespoke regardless of the budget.
What does a quality build really mean?
This is an area we find most widely misunderstood. Almost all buildings that are constructed in this country are designed and built to the New Zealand standards. To be clear this sets out the minimum standard of building. We don’t buy cars that are built to the minimum standards yet in New Zealand regardless of budget that is how we build. At Boxclever we strive to design and detail to the highest standards with features that allow you to control and interact with your built environment, ensuring reduced running costs for the long term.
10 Essential Questions to Ask Architects Before Hiring Them – Houzz
To help gauge whether an architect is right for your building project, three professionals suggest the best questions to ask
We were delighted with our finished product and the service provided. We would highly recommend John and Boxclever to anyone.”